SAIS 2006 Final Program
Wednesday May 10 (Tutorials) MA121
13-14 Registration (MA121)
14-16.30 Tutorial 1 : "Computational issues of reasoning about action" (Jérôme Lang)
16.30-16.50 Coffee Break
16.50-18 Tutorial 2 : "Revisiting Natural
Language Interfaces to Databases" (Michael Minock)
~19-.. Informal Get Together (TC)
Thursday May 11 (Day 1) MA121
8-9 Registration (MA121)
9-9.15 Workshop Opening
9.15 - 10.15 Invited Speaker: Gerhard Brewka, "Preferences in
Answer Set Programming"
10.15-10.45 Coffee Break
10.45 - 12 Session 1 (Chair: Minock)
- "A Short Talk on Task Planning for UAVs", Erik Skarman (Saab AB)
- "Model-Based Root Cause Analysis for Power Grid Management", Jan
Eric Larsson (GoalArt, Lund University) (pages 15-24)
- "Extensions of a MAT Learner for Regular Tree Languages", Frank
Drewes and Johanna Högberg (Umeå University) (pages 25-34)
12-13 LUNCH (Corona)
13-13.30 Poster/Demo
13.30-14.30 Invited Speaker: Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, "Artificial-Intelligence-Augmented Clinical Medicine"
14.30 - 14.45 Coffee Break
14.45-16.15 Session 2 (chair: Eklund and Lindgren)
"A Fuzzy Rule-based Decision Support System for Duodopa Treatment in
Parkinson", Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, et al. (Västerås) (pages 45-50)
"A Data Mining Approach to Build a Predictive Model for
Breast Cancer Recurrence", Amir R. Razavi (Linköping) (pages 51-56)
"Towards Dementia Diagnosis Logic", Patrik Eklund and Helena Lindgren
(Umeå University) (pages 57-66)
16.15-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-18 SAIS Organization Meeting (MA121)
19-21 DINNER (News)
Friday May 12 (Day 2) MA121
9-10 Invited Speaker: Hector Geffner, Effective Classical Planning and
Beyond: Dealing with Uncertainty and Reward
10-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30 - 11.15 Session 3 (chair: Drewes)
- "On the Performance of Approximations of Bayesian
Networks in Model-Based Classification", Magnus Ekdahl and Timo Koski
(Linköping) (pages 73-82)
- "Towards Hypothesis Evaluation in Command and
Control Systems", Jesper Tiberg(JPB Solutions), Christoffer
Brax(Ericsson), Per Gustavsson(University of Skövde) (pages 97-102)
11.15 - 11.45 SAIS Best AI Masters Thesis of 2005 Award Lecture Germán González
11.45-13 LUNCH (Corona)
13 - 14 Invited Speaker: Jérôme Lang, What can AI bring
to social choice?
14 - 15 Poster/Demo
15-16.45 Session 4 (chair: Georgsson)
"Evaluating the Benefit of Rule Extraction", Tuve Löfström (Borås),
Ulf Johansson(Borås), Tom Ziemke(Skövde) (pages 107-116)
"Accurate Neural Network Ensembles using Genetic Programming", Ulf
Johansson(Borås), Rikard König (Skövde), Lars Niklasson (Skövde)
(pages 117-126)
"Induction of an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for
Investigating Fluctuation in Parkinson's Disease", Shahina Begum, et
al. (Västerås) (pages 67-72)
16.45-17 Workshop Closing
~18-... Bishop Arms (PUB) followed by
Music Festival